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Why Your Feet Grow During Pregnancy: An Insightful Exploration

8 Minute Read
Modern Foot & Ankle
February 15, 2024

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey filled with numerous changes, not just emotionally and mentally, but also physically. Among these changes, one that often surprises many is the growth of feet. Yes, you read that right!

During pregnancy, it's common for feet to grow. But why does this happen? In this detailed exploration, we'll delve into the scientific reasons behind this phenomenon, offering insights from experts like those at Modern Foot & Ankle, a leading resource in foot care.

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What are the Causes of Foot Growth During Pregnancy?

Causes of Foot Growth During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of profound change, and one of the lesser-known but significant changes many women experience is the growth of their feet. This phenomenon is not solely due to one factor but is instead a complex interplay of various biological and physiological processes.

Here, we delve into seven key reasons that contribute to foot growth during pregnancy, providing a comprehensive understanding of this unique aspect of pregnancy.

1. Hormonal Changes and Their Impact

As already mentioned, pregnancy triggers a surge in hormones, notably relaxin. This hormone, essential for childbirth, loosens the ligaments throughout the body, including those in the feet. This loosening can lead to an increase in foot size and changes in foot structure.

2. Weight Gain and Its Effects

Weight gain is a natural and necessary part of pregnancy. The additional weight exerts more pressure on the feet, which can foot flattens the arches, leading to an increase in foot problems and width.

3. Blood Volume Increase and Fluid Retention

Pregnancy leads to promote blood circulation and fluid retention, causing swelling (edema) in various body parts, including the feet. This foot swelling can temporarily enlarge the feet, adding to the sensation of increased foot size.

4. Changes in Posture and Gait

As pregnancy progresses, the center of gravity shifts, often leading to changes in posture and gait. These changes can put additional strain on different parts of the feet, possibly contributing to changes in foot structure and size.

5. Relaxation of Joint Capsules

Apart from the ligaments, the joint capsules in the feet can also relax due to hormonal changes. This relaxation might lead to the spreading of the bones in the feet, further contributing to an increase in size.

6. Reduced Arch Height

The increase in body distribute weight evenly minimize and the loosening of ligaments can cause a reduction in the height of the foot's arch. This reduction can lead to a permanent change in foot size, as the arch may not fully return to its pre-pregnancy height.

7. Prolonged Standing or Walking

Pregnant women who spend a lot of time standing or walking may experience more pronounced changes in their feet. The continuous pressure and weight-bearing can exacerbate the flattening of arches and the spreading of the feet.

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How to Manage Foot Changes During Pregnancy

Manage Foot Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings numerous physical changes, and one area often impacted is feet healthy. It’s essential to take proactive steps to manage these changes effectively. Here are six detailed strategies to help expectant mothers maintain foot health and comfort during this transformative time.

1. Choosing the Right Footwear

Selecting appropriate footwear is paramount during pregnancy. Supportive shoes should provide good arch support and a cushioned sole to alleviate discomfort. Avoid high heels as they can exacerbate foot pain and opt for a slightly larger size if necessary, to accommodate any increase in foot size or shoe size or swelling.

2. Foot Exercises and Care

Engaging in simple foot exercises can strengthen foot muscles and enhance circulation, reducing the risk of discomfort and swelling. Some effective exercises include toe curls, ankle rotations, and gentle stretching. Elevating the woman's feet whenever possible is also beneficial in minimizing swelling.

3. Consulting Experts

For personalized care and advice, consult with foot care specialists. Professionals like those at Modern Foot & Ankle can assess your specific situation and offer tailored solutions and treatments to ensure optimal foot health during pregnancy.

4. Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Keeping a healthy weight within the recommended range for your stage of pregnancy can alleviate excess pressure on your feet. This step can help mitigate the flattening of the arches and the resultant increase in foot size.

5. Hydration and Diet

Proper hydration and a balanced diet play a crucial role in managing swelling in the larger feet. Consuming a diet rich in potassium and low in sodium can help reduce water retention, thus decreasing the likelihood of swollen feet by physical medicine.

6. Compression Socks and Footwear Adjustments

Consider wearing compression socks, especially if you experience significant swelling. These socks can improve circulation and reduce edema. Additionally, make adjustments to your footwear as needed. For instance, using orthotic insoles can provide extra support and comfort, especially if you're experiencing arch pain or flat feet.

Post-Pregnancy Foot Care

During pregnancy, it's common for feet to grow and experience discomfort. To alleviate foot pain, pregnant women should choose comfortable, supportive footwear and consider using orthotic inserts for extra arch support. Regular foot massages and elevation can also help reduce swelling and discomfort. It’s important to stay active with gentle exercises, like walking, to maintain good circulation. If foot pain becomes severe, consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice. Remember, taking care of your feet during pregnancy contributes to overall comfort and health.

Post-Pregnancy Foot Care

For some women, the changes in foot size may revert post-pregnancy, but for others, they might be permanent. It varies from person to person. It's advisable to have your feet assessed post-pregnancy. Specialists can offer guidance on foot and ankle needs care and appropriate footwear post-pregnancy.


The growth of feet during pregnancy is a natural occurrence, stemming from hormonal changes, weight gain, and increased blood circulation volume. Understanding these changes can help expectant mothers manage foot health more effectively. Remember, websites like Modern Foot & Ankle are valuable resources for more information and expert advice on foot care during and after pregnancy.

Common Questions

Why do feet grow during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, hormonal changes, especially the increase in relaxin, cause the ligaments in the body, including those in the feet, to relax. This can lead to a spreading and lengthening of the feet. Additionally, weight gain and increased pressure on the feet can flatten the arches, contributing to an increase in foot size.

Will my feet return to their original size after pregnancy?

It depends. For some women, the changes in foot size may revert post-pregnancy, but for others, the change can be permanent. Factors like the extent of ligament relaxation, weight gain, and the number of pregnancies can influence whether foot size returns to normal.

What kind of shoes should I wear during pregnancy to accommodate foot growth?

Choose to wear supportive shoes, especially around the arches, and have a cushioned sole for comfort. It’s advisable to avoid high heels and opt for shoes with a broader base to provide stability. As feet can swell during pregnancy, look for shoes made from flexible materials or those with adjustable straps to accommodate changes in foot size.

Can foot exercises during pregnancy prevent foot growth?

While foot exercises may not entirely prevent foot growth during pregnancy, they can help strengthen foot muscles, improve circulation, and reduce discomfort. Exercises like ankle rotations, toe curls, and gentle stretching can be beneficial. However, the primary factors influencing foot growth are hormonal changes and physical strain, which exercises alone cannot completely counteract.

The information on our website is intended for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. For any health-related concerns, we strongly recommend consulting with a healthcare professional. Please note that any reliance on the information found on our site is solely at your own risk. For more details, please see our Medical Disclaimer.

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